Education for Persistence and Innovation Center (EPIC)

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Education for Persistence & Innovation Center

About Us

Education for Persistence and Innovation Center (EPIC) is a global interdisciplinary research center at Teachers College, Columbia University, dedicated to figuring out how to turn failure into success.

We use techniques from cognitive science, social-cultural psychology, neuropsychology, oral history, and education to study the critical role that failure plays as a catalyst for learning, innovation, and career development.

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News & Events

Academic Alert

  • gender stereotypes / intellectual abilities article

    Early Associations Between Gender Groups and Intellectual Capabilities

    In a thought-provoking study, researchers delved into the prevalence of gender stereotypes surrounding intellectual abilities among Korean children. The investigation aimed to uncover whether these children link brilliance predominantly with one gender and how this association influences their choices and preferences. By shedding light on the developmental trajectory of gender stereotypes concerning intellectual prowess, this study contributes significantly to comprehending how such biases shape cultural perceptions.
  • emotion regulation and executive functioning article

    The Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Executive Functions in School-Aged Children

    Let’s delve into a recent study by Halse et al. (2024), where they explore the unclear relationship between executive functions and emotion regulation in school-aged children.
  • immediate rewards and intrinsic motivation article

    Do Immediate Rewards Enhance Intrinsic Motivation?

    Intrinsic motivation, motivation to do a task rather than trying to achieve something through the task, is a key concept in education. In this study, Woolley and colleagues investigate whether immediate rewards increase intrinsic motivation along with the perceptual fusion (seeing two things as one) between an activity and its goal (i.e., the reward) when rewards are immediate rather than delayed.
  • judgment article

    How Do Stories of Persistence Shape Our Judgments of Others?

    Have you ever wondered how stories about persistence and determination affect the way we judge others? Well, that's exactly what Amemiya, Heyman, and Walker (2023) delves into. Their article explores social judgments and preferences and aims to uncover how narratives of persistence influence our perceptions of individuals facing constraints.
Background Image: Einstein Background

Research Spotlight: “Even Einstein Struggled

Students’ beliefs that success in science depends on exceptional talent negatively impact their motivation to learn. For example, such beliefs have been shown to be a major factor steering students away from taking science and math courses in high school and college. In the present study, we tested a novel story-based instruction that models how scientists achieve through failures and struggles.

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